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Create & Manage Distribution Lists

How to create and manage distribution lists.

Updated over a week ago

Create Distribution List

To begin select Distribution from the menu panel, then Lists:

Distribution Lists are also available from the Contacts module on your menu panel:

From the Distribution List screen, select New List:

Name your list and select Confirm:

The list will display on the panel for administering:

Add Members to Distribution List

Select the Distribution List from the panel, to view the contacts in your list.

Click the Non-Members filter, to display contacts outside your list to add:

Check the member(s) you wish to add to your list:

Once the member(s) are checked, click Add Selected in the top right corner:

Remove Members from Distribution List

Select the Distribution List from the panel, to view the contacts in your list.

With the filter set to Members, to display contacts on your list remove:

Check the member(s) you wish to remove from your list:

Once the member(s) are checked, click Remove Selected in the top right corner:

Distribution List Options

Multiple functions are provided to facilitate the creation and management of Distribution Lists, all contained within the List Options button on your Distribution List page.

Select your distribution list, then click List Options:

Choose from the menu options:

Edit List Name

Distribution List names can always be edited, including lists imported from Gmail. To edit the distribution list name, select Edit list name from the List Options menu:

Duplicate List

Duplicate distribution lists to maintain consistency and eliminate re-entry. To duplicate the distribution list name, select Duplicate from the List Options menu:

Name the new distribution list, then confirm:

Compare Lists

Compare distribution lists to maintain consistency and rid the process of elimination. To compare two lists, select the first list from the menu panel and then Compare from the List Options menu:

Select the list you wish to compare it to via the dropdown menu:

Merge Lists

Merge distribution lists to maintain consistency and eliminate re-entry. To merge the distribution list name, select Merge from the List Options menu:

There are 2 options provided to merge distribution lists:

merge into an existing list


combine lists into a new one

Merge into the existing list

Select Merge into [list name] and select the list you wish to merge from the dropdown:

Merge into new list

Select Merge into new list, enter a new list name then pick the distribution list to merge from the dropdown:

Export Distribution Lists

Distribution Lists can be exported individually or collectively in multiple formats. To export distribution lists, select Export from the List Options menu:

Select the Distribution List(s) to export:

Followed by the desired export format, provided in Excel, vCard, or CSV format:

On export, the process can be tracked and downloaded from the notification bell:

Once the file is generated it is automatically downloaded to your computer.

Delete Distribution Lists

Distribution Lists can be deleted. To delete distribution lists, select Delete from the List Options menu:

Upon selecting Delete a confirmation request will be provided:

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