This guide provides a walkthrough on distribution lists features in Croogloo including how to Compare, Export, and Merge lists.
All of these features will be found under the Distribution tab and under
Comparing Lists
Step 1: All distribution lists appear on the left side. Select the first list you want to compare.
Step 2: Under List Options, select Compare List.
Step 3: Choose another list for comparison.
Croogloo provides a side-by-side report of all recipients from the selected lists.
Exporting Lists
If you need to export contacts to other platforms or to share multiple contacts with others.
Step 1: Under List Options, select the Export option.
Step 2: Choose whether to export all contacts or only selected lists. Select Export to continue.
Step 3: You may choose the file type for the exported list next. Select from an Excel spreadsheet, vCards, or Google contacts.
Croogloo generates and downloads the file for you.
Merging Lists
Step 1: Select the first list you would like to Merge
Step 2: Select List Options and choose Merge Lists.
Step 3: Select the list you would like to merge it with from the drop down menu.
Step 4: You may either merge both lists together into the first selected, or opt to create a new list from the merger.