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Upload and Send a Document

Send your first document though Croogloo, here's how!

Updated over 3 months ago

File uploading can happen prior to distribution or right in the compose window.

Let's start with how to upload it before:

Uploading a File

Step 1: Navigate to documents and files.

Step 2: Click on the Upload option.

Step 3: Locate and open your external file.

Setting Access Level and File Type

Step 1: Choose the access level for the file and decide which users will see it upon login.

Step 2: Select the type of file. Choose Scripts for parsing options, or Photos to submit for approval.

Categorizing and Watermarking

Step 1: Pick a category from the preloaded options in Croogloo, or select Other if none apply.

Step 2: Manage the watermarking capabilities of your file or opt to remove watermarking by selecting Skip.

Step 3: Decide where to save your file. Croogloo comes with pre-equipped folders, or you can create your own.

A progress bar will indicate when the file is ready for distribution.

Distributing the File

Locate your file and select Send by Email. Your file will load attached to a new distribution in a compose window

Add recipients using the distribution List column,

from Departments, or any combination thereof.

If necessary, you can edit the selected lists using the drop down arrow and de-selecting individuals.

Or add recipients manually by searching for them using the search bar and hittting enter.

Compose Distribution

If you choose to go strait to "Distribution" then "Compose", after selecting your recipients, drag and drop your file right into the compose window and follow the categorizing steps here.

Now, you can start composing your email. Add your subject or choose a template from within Croogloo

Once your file is uploaded, you will have the option to send PDF files as links. Check the "Send PDF Files as Links" box.

Select your permissions and expiry time:

Send Text Message with Email

To send a text message with email expand the Text SMS dropdown and enter your message.

Texts will only be delivered to selected recipients that have attached phone numbers.


You can personalize your message by inserting your recipients' names.

Place your cursor where you wish the name to insert and select the name you wish to enter.

Send your Message


Before sending the email to everyone, you can send a preview to yourself.

Schedule Send

You can also schedule the email to be sent at a later date.


Simply select "Send" if you are ready to distribute.

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