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Start Crew Distribution

Email Distribution 101

Updated over a week ago

Compose Distro

To publish an email with Croogloo pick the widget on the dashboard:


select Distribution on the menu panel then click Compose:

Add Recipients

To add recipients to your email, the panel will provide a filter to select contacts by distribution lists or department or they can be entered in the window above:

To view members in a list or department, click on the number or arrow next to the list/department to display all contacts:

Add or remove contacts by using the check boxes.

Recipient(s) Reply-To

Next, confirm the Reply-To address for your message; where emails will be directed if recipients reply to your email:

The Production Office is the default Reply-To address for distribution for all users, with the option to switch to the logged-in user in the dropdown.

If the Production Office email has not been stored in Croogloo, the Reply-To will be designated to the logged-in user.

To learn more about Reply-To, please click here.


Croogloo provides production templates to select from:

or create your own by saving as a template when you are finished composing your message.

When a template is selected from the dropdown, the body and subject will automatically be stored and ready to load on request.

With the option to add more elements to the template, recipients to load with the template, text (sms) message to add to the template:

Insert Recipient Name

When emailing multiple recipients, click Insert Recipient Name to personalize your message to your contacts, providing an email greeting specific to each person.

Formatting Tools

Select from multiple formatting tools to compose your message to your specifications, or expand the box to get a full screen view on the message body:

Upload File

Attach files to your message by dragging and dropping to the screen or clicking the Upload File button.

Upon upload, select the file category, to safely store and locate:

then option to apply a watermark to the file:

Find Files

For files already stored in Croogloo, or in the cloud, with Dropbox, Google, Box, or any repository, select Find Files.

Text (SMS)

Over 95% of text messages are viewed within the first 3 minutes of delivery.

Add a Text (SMS) message to the email message, to make sure your crew are alert to the latest Push/Pull or any additional information required to guarantee your contacts are informed and aware.

Save as Draft

Save your message as a draft, where it can be stored and launched again when you are ready to publish.


Prior to publishing, select Preview to send a test run of the message to your email address to review. The Preview message is sent to the logged-in user for review.


Select Send when you are ready to publish. Upon clicking Send, an additional confirmation will be requested, to be sure your message is ready for launch, before dispatching your email.

Schedule Send

Schedule your email distribution by clicking the arrow on the Send button to enter your coordinates:

Set email distribution date and time, click Schedule Send to confirm your entry:

The schedule send email stores in your Outbox until its date of dispatch, and can be edited or rescheduled from there.

Ready for Launch!

After clicking Send, Croogloo will provide message prompts to ensure all details were covered before publishing to your recipients:

If the subject and/or attachment(s) were missing from the message after clicking Send, Croogloo will request to confirm that selection:

If Cast are set as recipients to the message, Croogloo will provide the option to include their agents:

If Agents are recipients, Croogloo will likewise provide a prompt after clicking Send, with option to include Cast.

If recipients have not started, or are inactive on the date of the distribution message, Croogloo will confirm the request to skip those contacts on the specified date:

One final check, before confirming for distribution:

Following confirmation, your message will process in the Outbox then available for review in the Sent folder.

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