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How to Set Contact Start/Hold/End Dates

Set your SW, HW, EW for email distribution to your crew to automatically skip and stop distribution.

Updated over a week ago

Email DooDs

Set your SW, HW, EW for email distribution to your crew. Enter start date, hold date(s), and end date for email to automatically skip and stop distribution without having to wait to add crew to distribution lists or sending emails to crew that are not on the show anymore.

Start Date

On the contact form, within the Contacts module, after entering email address for crew member, the Start Date to commence distribution is provided next:

Upon selection, the field will display a calendar to enter your date:

All email to distribution lists that include the crew member will be skipped before their start date. When sending the email, a confirmation prompt is provided with the option to include the skipped contact:

End Date

On the contact form, within the Contacts module, after entering start email date for crew, the End Date to stop distribution is provided next:

Upon selection, the field will display a calendar to enter end date:

A notification alert will be provided 3 weeks prior to the End Date for any required administrative human resources related to the crew member.

The day before the End Date, a notification alert will be provided to request permission to remove crew member from distribution list(s) and/or database in 24hrs.

Hold Date

On the contact form, within the Contacts module, after entering end email date for crew, the Hold Date(s) to skip distribution is provided next:

Upon selection, the field will display a calendar to enter Hold Date(s), a single day can be picked or a range of dates:

Date(s) selected are displayed as tiles to efficiently manage and review:

All email to distribution lists that include the crew member will be skipped before on their hold date(s). When sending the email, a confirmation prompt is provided with the option to include the skipped contact.

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