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Cast - Agent Pairing

Link Cast to their agents for distribution without all the extra lists!

Updated over 3 months ago

Connect as many links to Cast's team as required.

What is Cast-Agent Pairing?

We have eliminated the need for you to create multiple distribution lists for talent with our cast-agent pairing function. Simply link the agent to the cast member and they'll stay in the loop!

Linking cast members and agents is a unique feature to Croogloo making sure any distribution to talent will also go to their rep or manager, or vice versa.

How to Link Cast(s) to Their Agent(s):

Categorize Cast Contact:

Categorizing contacts eliminates extra steps to remember for distribution.

Filter Cast and Agent contacts to their categories to link them for distribution. Providing an option every time Cast are emailed, to include Agent(s) on a call sheet run or skip them on a script run; without creating distribution lists for every cast member.

Link Agent:

When the Cast category is selected, the entry form provides an Agent field for linking:

Agents already stored to Croogloo will be available for selecting from the dropdown window.

If the Agent has not been saved to the database yet, they can be added directly on the cast form, by clicking the add button under to the dropdown to add the Agent:

You will then be prompted to fill out their details:

Connect as many Agents or members of Cast's team as required, including managers, assistants, guardians, tutors, etc.

What it Looks Like:

Anytime you email Cast member(s), a prompt will provide you with the option to include their Agent(s).

Anytime you email Agent(s), a prompt will provide you with the option to include their corresponding Cast pairing(s).

This feature can also be used from an Agent contact card, linking the cast members they represent.

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