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Admin DTR Cheat Sheet (Production Office)
Admin DTR Cheat Sheet (Production Office)

Download our daily time report cheat sheet here

Updated over a week ago

Production Office



All accounts set to ADMIN security group receive reports by email upon submission. ADMINs have access to all departments and can submit reports on behalf of departments.

Invite Crew:

Instantly import contacts from Gmail, Crew Intake Google Form, vCard, or Excel

Send invites to department delegates for DTR (security group DTR) providing them access to Croogloo and limited to their department members only.

Send invites to Accounting & AD (security group ADMIN). Once designated as ADMIN they receive reports by email.

More than one address can be used, All ADMIN security group members automatically receive the email


Latest version of DTR and Weekly Timesheet can be found:

  1. Email

  2. Stored in Documents > Files > Time Reports




Accounts set to ADMIN security group, receive reports by email upon submission.

No registration or sign-in is required for ACCOUNTING, once set to ADMIN security group, reports will be emailed to them.

ADMINs have access to all departments and can submit reports on behalf of departments.


DTRs for the day are compiled in one excel file, with departments sorted into sheets in alphabetical order.

DTRs can be generated into Weekly Timesheets formatted to EP or Cast & Crew.

Latest version of DTR and Weekly Timesheet:

  1. Email

  2. Stored in Documents > Files > Time Reports




Accounts set to ADMIN security group, receive reports by email upon submission.

No registration or sign-in is required for ADs, once set to ADMIN security group, reports will be emailed to them.

ADMINs have access to all departments and can submit reports on behalf of departments.


DTRs for the day are compiled in one excel file, with departments sorted into sheets in alphabetical order.

DTR reports are provided with a sheet for the DPR grid.

Latest version of DTR and Weekly Timesheet:

  1. Email

  2. Stored in Documents > Files > Time Reports

Download PDF:

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