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Archive Mode

Archive mode helps maintain a light user experience by minimizing data storage.

Updated over 4 months ago

This guide explains how to use the archive mode for documents in Croogloo.

Archiving Files & Folders

Step 1: Navigate to the desired file under Documents or Files.

Step 2: Click on the three-dot icon next to any File or Folder and select Archive.

A logo will appear indicating that the file is now archived.

Batch Archiving

Step 1: Select multiple files.

Step 2: Archive them under Options and Archive.

Archive Settings

Croogloo automatically archives all files after a certain number of days, but this can be adjusted to suit your needs.

The default is set to 5 days.

Step 1: Navigate to Settings.

Step 2: Under Production Settings scroll down to Archive Files.

Here you can set the duration (in days) that you would like the system to automatically archive files.

Step 3: Don't forget to save!

Recovering Archived Files

Step 1: Select the archived files.

Step 2: Choose Recover under Options for multiple files or alternatively, use the three-dot icon.

Remember, even when a file is archived, it remains viewable and downloadable.

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