This guide explains how to manage files in Croogloo.
Start by navigating to the Documents tab, then proceed to Files.
Connect a Cloud Service
By clicking on Dropbox, Google Drive or Box, you will be promted to connect to an existing cloud server. You will then be able to access and manage files from your connected server directly thought Croogloo.
Croogloo Stores Your Files
The Upload button makes it easy to add external files that you can manage and store within Croogloo however you want.
Created your own folders, use the preset folders, or use both, for a customized experience.
File or Folder Management Options
The manage individual files or folders, use the Three Dots Icon to the far right of each to select from the available options.
This menu provides the options to distribute, change watermarking settings, rename, move saved location, merge with other files, edit category, or manage access levels. It's also possible to download, delete, or archive a file or folder to keep the system light.
Creating Forms and Templates
Under the Create tab, find options to create Forms or Templates.
Croogloo comes preloaded with the most commonly used forms.