Security Groups
Account access to Croogloo is determined by the Security Group the account is designated to.
On production launch, there are four default Security groups are configured for use: ADMIN, EXEC, DTR, and Crew.
ADMIN - Designated for the administrator on the account, the person that registers the account, and anyone else provided access via the administrator or their proxies thereafter. The ADMIN security group is the only group that cannot be removed from Croogloo. The ADMIN group has full security clearance and access of administration and management oversight across the platform. Directing account access, security provisions, asset management, and contact management.
EXEC - Designated for Studio executives, providing access customized to their needs.
βDTR - Designated for Daily Time Report crew, with settings configured for Daily Time Report access only. Crew using Daily Time Reports with Production Time or Production Office should be set to the DTR Security Group.
CREW - Designated for Crew, providing access customized to their needs, free from dependency or delay of email.
Group Permissions
Security Group Permissions are set with the following available permissions
RW - Read & Write
RO - Read Only
NO - NO access
Click on the dropdown located on the Security Group columns, to select your desired setting for each category.
Default categories include:
CONTACTS - Agent, Cast, Crew, Studio, Union, Upload vCards, Vendor
DAILY TIME REPORTS - Daily Time Reports
DASHBOARD - The Dashboard Home Page
DISTRIBUTION - Compose, Distribution List, Drafts, Outbox, Sent
DOCUMENTS - Files, Photos, Upload, Watermark
SCRIPT - Script, Sides, Generate Sides, Upload
SECURITY - Manage Permissions, Security Groups, Productions Settings, Monitor Tasks
TEMPLATES - Templates, Upload